Friday, December 10, 2010

My Short Story

Once upon a time there was a little piggy named Recital. This little piggy had it very hard. Her piggy mom left her when she was little and then one after another her brothers and sisters had disappeared too. Then she was all alone. She one day walked into the forest and lived there from then on. Recital one day discovered a hill on the east side of the forest and decided to climb it, Once she got to the top she saw down the in the valley a beautiful farm that had all the animals she could ever think. Everyday she would climb that hill and just sit and watch. One day when she was sitting there she over heard a few pigs squealing and oinking. She got really excited and started to run to the farm. Suddenly she stopped and thought to herself what makes her think that the animals here would accept her? What makes her think that when she gets there the other pigs and other animals will even talk to her? So she got discoraged and walked back to the hill to sit and watch and see everyone have fun. After that she would never run again, she wouldn't have fun, nothing in her life was good enough for her now. Recital practically gave up on life after that and she was slowly dieing. Turned skinny, never ate, started to turn a different color. Black the color of death.
A nice summer day Recital was laying under the sun trying to gain back what she once lost, her life. All of a sudden she heard steps, she ignored them. Again she heard them but closer this time. She finally looked up and saw another pig. Getting up in a hurry she tripped and oinked and tried to regain herself to look at the other pig. When she finally got herself together and started to speak, the other pig said "Hi". Then a conversation started that wouldn't end for hours. Recital found out that the other piggies name was Isital, he lived on that farm and would sit and watch Recital sit and watch the farm. Then he told her that when she was running toward the farm he got really excited that a new friend was coming to hang out with him, and got really sad when she ran back and then never saw her sitting on top of the hill again. Then he set out to go find her to see if she was okay because he had never seen a more beautiful piggy than her. After Isital told her this  her appitite came back and her life started to regain. From then on she fell in love, well both of them did and from then on spent most of their days together. Then she asked why he never went back to that beautiful farm and he said that it was no farm it was a slaughter house. He almost didn't make it to the forest because it was his turn next to die. Recital started to cry and said "All those other pigs are dead... I'm glad I didn't go". Isital said it was a good idea because he would of never escaped if not for her. She hugged her new love and said "I'm so glad and I...". But didn't finish because he said "I love you".

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Little Poem

I walk down the street.
I notice the birds.
Dogs, cats, mice and all others.
As I walk by by, I have no care.
I got to do what I got to do.
Nothing else matters.
Hobos come ask me for change,
and I just walk by.
People try to hand me papers,
that are worthless.
I push away.
I stop in front of a window...
I see myself.
I look no different the the others.
I walk back take the paper.
Hand the hobo some change.
Walk back and play with the dog.
Smell the air and twirl.
I look in a window.
I see a smile.
Thats what's different.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Journey

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wisdom In A Hot Dog

Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down

No I'll stand my ground
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Well I know what's right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

No I won't back down

Tom Petty 

Well you see I wasn't in class those days that my English Teacher was talking about some hot dog story and some other stories that have a significant meaning. So when I read the assignment, Number fifteen I really didn't know what I was supposed to write about. Then I read the line "write a creative reflection in which you tell a story which captures an important teaching or a truth which you are passing on to your readers". Well you see I'm not writing a story I'm just going to say how it is, I'm going to tell you about a important teaching I've learned.

What I learned didn't come from a epic story, or someone who told me something that made me think, No it was a song that my dad showed to me. Something that when I listened to it I said to myself "I will never back down". To this day I've wanted to give up on so many things. School. Family. Relationships. Friendships. Life. Basically all the hard stuff in life that I sometimes can't handle. Especially when everything happens at once. So when I listened to this song it was like someone very religious saying god spoke to them. It spoke to me in a way that stuck in my head. I could sing every word to this song without the music. It told me don't give up, there are many obstacles but you can fight your way through and you will win. I know it's silly to base a serious teaching of your life from a song but at that time it was the only thing I had. The main thing I've learned it to not give up no matter how hard it gets.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uniforms Good Or Bad?

(Day one)
One day in English class, minding my own business just drawing on my note book, pretending to pay attention to my teacher I suddenly heard a loud BEEP. Then at that moment I heard the intercom come on and say "will you please send Julieanna Lucero to the main office, Thank you". Then I grabbed all my crap and left to the office. When I got there the secretary directed me to the Principal's office and made me sit down. Then I waited and waited and waited and finally the principal came in, She sat down and said " Your one of the few students I have chosen to help me decided if we should have uniforms here at AHA". Then I said "What uniforms!? No you can't!" Then the Principal said " That's why I want you to come up with the persuasive argument and come tell me next week what you think". Then she sent me back to class and that when I started thinking...

(Day three, four more days left)
The next few days I thought back to when I had to wear uniforms in middle school, of course I hated them. They were ugly, itchy and at my old middle school had two or three main colors to choose from, so there wasn't much color there. I would always think nobody has to wear uniforms in real life why do we have to wear them now? Then I would go home and complain about them and everyone would say there not that bad, but they didn't have to wear them, so I just said whatever and went on with my day. Then when I would talk to my Nana about them she would say she liked them because they didn't separate people, gangs couldn't show their colors to other gangs to start a fight. It wouldn't show which kids had money to buy nice clothes and the kids that didn't, but it was good because it sort of united people in a different way. That when I noticed the some of the older people were for the uniforms because it keeps things simple, and the younger kids didn't like it because they were ugly, itchy and a lot of other things. That's when I was thinking the maybe I was for uniforms...?
(Day six, one day left)
No you know what I'm not for uniforms at all. No. No. No! Do you know why the colors at my middle school changed every year? Well it was because they had issues with the uniforms like when the white got taken away it was because boys at the school were throwing water at the girls shirts and showing there bras and boobs. They took away the tan because it wasn't a school color and so on so forth with the colors being a problem. Then again middle school was the only school I ever had to wear uniforms which also makes no sense??? Oh my god and buying those things were a pain in the butt! Either the stores only had certain sizes, you could only get certain colors and they probably didn't have those colors. You know stuff like that. Then when I got into high school, a junior to be exact I went over to my Nana's and she showed me her new uniforms and they were heavy gray polo shirt. I said "Nana what do you think of you new uniforms, do you like them"? What do you think she said? "I don't like them at all don't you think their ugly and their heavy and sometimes itch". Then I laughed and then BOOM! It was really ironic that the principal tells me to come up with an answer on uniforms with back up for my school.
(Day seven, The last day)
I really don't know what the right answer is or what to tell the principal but I think I know. That day when I heard my name over the intercom I immediately knew what it was about. When I got to the office I didn't even say "Hey where do I go". I just walked strait into her office and waited and waited and waited. She finally walked in after about twenty minutes and said "Well what have you decided". I started to tell her everything I thought about over the last couple of days and all she did was nod. "You still haven't told me your answer" she said. "I think yes and no. I think no nasty ugly clothes that only come in one size, but we should be able to wear regular clothes with maybe a few restrictions so the girls don't look like no hoochie mamas and the boys don't have their pants down to there knees". "I mean it makes complete sense, right"? She said nothing and dismissed me and a few weeks later the announcement came on and said "I have made up my mind no uniforms for AHA". And there it was.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Lighting Thief

The Lightning Thief is an epic story about a kid named Percy Jackson that has dyslexia and ADHD and is always getting in trouble in school. One day he comes to find out that these conditions are things that help keep him alive. On a school field trip he gets attacked by a big bat winged old hag and his teacher gives him a pen that turns into a sword. After his crazy day he goes home to his mother, just to forget everything because him and his mother don't spend much time together and so she tells him her plans for a trip to their favorite spot near the beach. When arriving they have no troubles settling in to their cozy little cabin but when roasting marshmallows Percy tells his mom about his crazy day in the museum. She says its because of his father and tells him the story about him going out to sea when he was young. He remembers a smile of his father and then BOOM! A storm is approaching and they ran inside. Then a KNOCK KNOCK was on the door and it was Grover, Percy's best friend. He told them to hurry because it was coming and they left to Camp Half-Blood. On the way there driving as fast as they can Percy sees the beast, then suddenly the car flips and they have to escape to the borders of the camp. Then suddenly Percy's mom stops to save them so they can make it, when the big bull like guy grabs her by the neck and she turns to gold dust, and full of rage attacks the bull and wins.

Percy awakes in this strange building confused like nothing ever happened but it did. He remembered the bull, his friend with goat legs, and his mother disappearing. After rested Percy is taken to the camp directors and he soon realizes that the director was his teacher from his old class but no longer in a wheel chair but now with a horse body? And that the other man the activities director was making the cards float? "What the heck is going on?" Percy asks. Then he is told that he is half god and half mortal he's a Demigod, that the ADHD and dyslexia were things that keep him alive from the monsters in the world. Also that the Olympian Gods are real and still living today. With this Percy Jackson's real adventure begins....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thee Halloween Haiku

Its Halloween night. The Ghosts are stirring at night. Pumpkins are lit up.
Costumes of all kinds. Little or big no matter. Its one scary night.
Fake blood, scary masks. Eating candy all night long. A one of a kind.

The Black Cat.... Dunt Dunt DUNNNNNN

I think the story "The Black Cat" is not about the man's life, wife or two cats. The man not only had serious problems with the cats and alcohol. Everyone who drinks does it for a reson either because they need something to turn to, just for fun or some other reason. Everyone gets mad and has to let out their anger... But how? Some do it violently and some do it the calm way.
Life is an unexpected tunr of events. At one moment you could be extreamly happy and the next be sown or something could happen to change your life. Storys are like life, they always have a change of events, an unexpected twist, also a moral. A meaning to the story that isn't what the story seems to be. And I personally think "The Black Cat's" twist of events, A story with a meaning that isn't what everyone expects. It is what everyone goes through at one point in their life and that is Self-Anger, Rage, a fire boiling in your heart that is so strong you touch something and it melts. In the story it did not say anything about the man's real life. Like if he was seriously mad or sad or depressed. It just explained how much he loved his animals and would never disrespect them. Till one day he did because of maybe depression or he was mad on the inside. Why did he drive himself to kill this cat. Maybe those reasons. This cat drove him insane... why? It stared into his eyes and he killed his beloved cat. He killed it because it no longer loved him but when gone he missed his love. The man was maybe lonely. He found another cat to love him but yet this cat also drove him insane from to much love? This cat drove him to kill his wife with so much hatred in him why did the symbol of the cat roar inside him with rage? Maybe something we don't know about this man's life, something that caused this........... Self- Anger.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Concrete Rose

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?

Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk without having feet.

Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.

Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.

Growing from a crack in the side walk is so simple I mean come on... you just started your life literally with a huge step. For some people it takes them about a year and over to actually make their first step on the side walk. Ride their bike. Rollerblade. Run. Skip. Fall. But starting your very first breath your first step into making it into this life. The Rose that started in the crack of the concrete grew to prove everyone wrong, to show people that its not how or where you live its how you make it in your life. Its how you show everyone that you made it from a place that no one ever thought someone could live. It's like living in Antartica, a cold place that you would never expect anyone to live. A vast desert with no water or shelter just sand blowing in the wind. The rose grew on nothing but its own hope, like America finding water on Mars a place just like a desert maybe hoping a life form could live there. It grew on the surroundings it could use. When it rains thats its drinking source. The sun its food source. But how could it grow with no care, no love, no place to keep it safe? In its own little body stem it was trying to show everyone that you don't need help, you don't need no one to hold your hand through life all you need is your own damn self, your own damn confidence and your own damn mind to get you through the shit. It just goes to show everyone comes from a different backround and make it in their own way. When this rose grew it was letting everyone know that "Hey im a little flower and I can make it where no other rose can, and you as big bad ass humans can do it too. I grew to show that no matter where you come from you have a chance. Take your first step, keep your dreams in your heart and your head and get ready to sprout."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bullying or Bullied?

Bullying happens all over the world in one way or another. It's like a pandemic once someone does something to someone that is really severe, everyone finds out about it or someone does something similar. I also think its some thing that can be controlled but can't at the same time. It's hard to explain on how bullying is and how it can be stopped. Bullying can be a series of things, like pushing, getting into fights, torturing, or more serious things that could lead to scars physically and emotionally or maybe even death.
When I was little I was bullied but it wasn't a crazy serious problem that I couldn't handle by myself. Yes when I was little I was a little chubby just like some kids but I still once in a while got teased like your chunky or something small like that. This wasn't to bad but when I got older I had not only been bullied but I started to bully. One time me and my friends bullied some one to the point of tears, beatings. Every day he walked into class I would punch him, deliberately beat his ass for no reason other then he seriously bugged everyone in school (NO LIE). One time I set up a plan so that a group of people would kick his ass. One day we had a sub and it was almost time to leave, I would have the group stand around him and I would run and shut the lights off and then they would beat him up. It worked out perfectly and as soon as the sub turned on the lights and the bell rang and everyone left not knowing who did it. After that our teacher shunned us for the next month and the kid moved to a different team so he had nothing to do with us ever again.
Bullying and being bullied are two different things and maybe one thing leads to another but I think all people do it but sometimes they don't think they are or sometimes they do it all depends.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Weird World....

Once upon a time there was a girl named Rawq who lived in a world where she always thought the people were...sort of different from her but she got used to it since she was raised there since she was little.
Just a few months before she turned one she was left on the front door step of the Lucero family. The night she was left there she began to cry because she new on an instinct that she was alone, the mother of the family heard the cries of the little girl and went out to find her alone and cold... and took her in their home. They raised her just like their own and never told her that she wasn't one of them. They had birthday partys for her and made her little outifits for halloween, they did everything to raise her like she should of been raised. This little girl grew up and lived a normal life, and now was in highschool. She was just basically "Normal", she got goood grades, had all good friends, a sweet boyfriend and everything she could ever want. Then one day she started to notice that she looked a little different then everyone else, acted a little different and seemed to be the odd ball. She was just fustrated about all this she went home and cried to her mom, saying "Mom do you think i'm different"? Of course the mom said "No sweetie you are just like everyone else". After this little talk she started to think and notice everything. She started to have dreams of a different world, a man and a woman holding a cute little baby, the little baby floating in the air and having some sort of powers. Every night it was this, and she relized she wasn't from this planet, she wasn't a normal person, she wasn't even really a person. Then she told her mom everything that had happened and her mom said "I think it's time for me to tell you really came from". She told the girl that when she found the girl on the door step she found a note attached to her little blanket that said... Raise this girl and make her normal on this planet, I will thank you later because I cannot now, when she is sixteen she will come home... dont forget this. The girl asked "what does this mean"?? and the mom said "You will be leaving soon dear, I don't know where to but I just hope your real family will think I did a good job." The next day she fell asleep from to much stress and then had a dream she got up to say good-bye to her non-real mom and disapeared into the light with a shadow of a man waving and saying thank you and taking the girl with him and vanished.
It wasn't a dream.

That Shit Was Fake!?

There once was a beautiful young girl in the wrong classification. She should be rich and famous but instead is in rags a lot less then riches. One day she got her chance to go to a fancy party but didn't have enough money for things to make her look pretty. She cried and cried, she practically died. Finally her husband gave her money for a beautiful dress, but still she was sad...why? No jewels to make her shine. She asked her sweet neighbor who lent her a diamond necklace. The night of the dance she look prettier then ever, she danced here and there and all around. The end of the night was one of those nights that go crumbling down and she relized the diamond was gone. She and her husband searched for days but found nothing and were in a horrible daze. They had to make serious deals and barrow money and did to buy a diamond just as pretty. They gave the lady the necklace back and spent the rest of their lives paying the money back. Then the girl who was once beautiful ran into her old neighbor and told her the story of the necklace she once gave her. The neighbor replied "My dear that necklace was only costume jewlary".
How could the necklace be fake? It was so beautiful, it shined in the light like a smaller little sun. I looked just like it would be suited for exactly what she should be royalty. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by the cover. Yes the nice things are good but the fake are just the same. It doesn't matter what you look like everyone looks good in their own way.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are You A Ugly Green Monster?

Say you are one of those shy kids at school that isn't the best looking person in the world, or the most popular and you are so to say the "lonely nerd" or something like that. Anyway you go on through school all by yourself, you stay studing the books and trying to be the best. When your a kid like this you tend to pay a lot of attetion to your surroundings, you know just in case. Also you notice the people who you think are better then you. Like one day this guy/girl walks by and is the most popular kid, has everything you could want and is extreamly good looking. I mean what else can you do then just think to yourself I wish I was like that kid. I want what they have, the "good genes". You want what they have so much you turn in to this green monster who kills everyone in its path. You take everything that they have now, you look good and smell the best, everyone calls you sexy and God Damn it you are the best now. Then you go home and think I look so damn good I want to see myself in the mirror so walk past your family at home with a gangster lean and nobody seems to notice the difference about you... why you think to yourself? You finally get to the mirror, look up and see the ugliest reflection of a big green monster who has boogers coming from your nose, ripped clothes and just a horrible apperance. Then you close your eyes and deperatly wish you were your old self, you open your eyes and see the real you. You realize I am good looking, I have all the stuff I could have and I am the best.When this kid was shy and thought they didn't have nothing good in their life and finally got tired of it, turned into the ugliest thing worse then before. When an ugly green monster you still don't want to be ugly and find out the the real you was good looking.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Dream A World

Their is alot of people who've wanted to change the world, and have. The simplist words have changed the way the world to make it to where it is today. Abraham Lincon changed the way the new world was when whites dominated and took blacks in as slaves. Martin Luther King Jr. said a great speech yet again to stop segragation of people. The United States of America changed that not only will white men reign as president but elected a Black President. And just the other day my english teacher told me about another man who wanted to change the world from what he saw... to what he wanted it to be. A man named Langston Hughes (1902-1967), a african-american/ native american/ white man born in Harlem New York. Mr. Langston Hughes is a man of knowledge when he writes a poem called "I Dream A World". In this poem I see not a man just sitting down in class doing this as an assignment but a man, no a person with a thought that the world should be a better place. When he wrote this, he wrote it in his day which was different from today. This poem still applies today but imagine what he wanted to change... he has no idea how it should really be changed now.
I dream a world
where man
No other man will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
peace its paths adorn.
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom's
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the
bounties of the earth
And every man is free,
Where wretchedness will hang
its head
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind--
such I dream, my world!

(Langston Hughes)




A School For Dangerous Girls

A School for Dangerous girls is exactly what your thinking right now, it is infact a school for dangerous girls. A school for girls who have done something bad; In society, In school, At home or maybe some girls arn't really bad but its other people who think they are. They can be sent to this school for the biggest crimes in the book like Murder, Assult and Battery, Drugs, Attempt Suicide, Manslaughter, and some other really bad and exciting crimes. Or they could of done nothing less then get in an argument with their parents, get bad grades, or be "too close" to their bestfriend, something that is really boring and shouldn't be sent to a private school for. As a young teen Angela Cardenas gets sent to this school for dangerous girls called Hidden Oak. When she arrives she finds out that it isn't just a regular private school but more like a prision, a psycologists office, a insane assylem, or soon to be. The school's mission is very clear when Angela first gets there and that is " To take girls who've caused trouble and to reform them into model citizens". The first month of the school is orientation, not just a regular talk about how the school works but proof of it and to make sure the girls are ready to go into the main school. The girls can't have any of their stuff, they get new uniforms for the year and it is mandatory to go see your psycologist daily to see who you really are and what not. The school not only has that but their P.E. is like a boot camp to go into war, starting with the fatty's. During this first month Angela finds new friends and trys to stay Angela Free world and not Angela Trapped. The first days were hard because Angela was not a girl to be tampered with, and when she found friends that could be her friends like Carmen Pope and Juin Carpenter she started to feel not so locked up. Juin was a crazy bitch who had been there before and knew the ropes, they had all gotten really close and came up with the coven. The coven that would sneek out on saterdays and just relax. When finally the end of the month was coming up and girls slowly started dissapearing... When Angela finally got taken away she found out that they were slowly moving girls into the main school, and found out that she was on Gold Thread thinking it was for the goody too-shoes and the Purple Threads were the girls who were bad to thee bone. The gold threaders were the girls who got a little bit more freedom then the purple because the administration thought the purple threads would contaminate the other girls who they thought could reform into model citezen. Angela had not wanted anything to do with it. She also started to worry about Juin and someothers when her and her friends decided to look for them. When one day they were found locked away in another building crying for help. A later day came that when Angela got into alot of itty bitty troubles the administration decided to purple thread her. When she got down there she found out it was a war zone, a mini gang-land every girl for herself. Down there the teachers would only come once a day for two hours. Finally after going insane from all the crazy shit going on in that abondon building her and her friends from the purple thread and gold thread decided to break out....

Sunday, September 19, 2010


In America there is every different color of people. Also in America all colors are welcome but recently in the year 2010 there is many problems facing colors or should I say race. Some of the big problems facing certain people in the U.S are there is going to be an opening of a Islamic Mosque in New York City a few blocks away from Ground Zero, and because of it a prist in Florida is having a burning of the Quran; The bible of the islamic people.

Everyone knows the reason why ground zero is called ground zero. It is a memorial site for all the people who died in the attack from Alcida, it is very respected by all people because of it. During the recent months a group of islamic people living in New York wanted to build a religious site for them to worship and just be in their own culture away from their culture, they call it a Mosque. The problem that have people have and makes them all crazy is that the mosque is going to be a few blocks away from ground zero. People think it's a bad idea because people don't really know who crashed the planes into the twin towers except that they were islamic and having an islamic religous building a few blocks away from ground zero would be disrespectful to those who died. Also with our president having a islamic backround agreed and the people now think that Mr. President is on their side and not americas. During all of this some people care roughly about it and some people care but dont think its a huge deal. One man in Ganesville Florida took it to the heart and thought it was wrong of letting the islamic group do that and thinks they should be in hell for it. So what Pastor Terry Jones decided to do to show the islamic community the they weren't the only ones who could cause damage to another culture he would have a big book burning of the Quran on the day of September 11th the day that 9/11 happened. So if people thought that the mosque was a big deal they had no idea what was a big deal when this happened, but what was worse? All people didn't know what to think when they heard about this, about how both of these tied together. With this big contraversy would it cause other things to link to it or would it just push other problems to be bigger problems, like the new law in Arizona that all immagrants have to be deported, or that our president is black and some people think that don't think thats right or any other problem facing race.

Why is it that this is a free country where all people are created equal and that Abraham Lincon fixed that colored people can work together, that Martin Luther King Jr stopped racism and all this happen so long ago but still to this day racism is still happening to this day. Its a bit different now because colors can work together and be together but it's still happening even though people don't think that it is. But what can we do about this? 

The Mutha Freaken New York Times!!!

The United States for the last nine years has been in a war with Iraq, Afghanistan and maybe some other Middle Eastern countries. During the war the U.S has been in tremendous trouble because of it. It has caused so much debt to the U.S and put many people out of their jobs and houses, Businesses had trouble keeping the business going and many people were living in poverty. This Poverty in the U.S is said to be one of the worst crisis's since the Great Depression.

The Recent New York Times says that the "Poverty Rate Rose Sharply In 2009, says Senses Bureau". Its says that 4 million Americans found or one in seven people found themselves living in poverty in 2009, and the million that weren't in poverty by expanded unemployment and other assistants. The rate of the poverty reached its highest since 1994. People have started living with family or even friends or some people find roommates (roommates, more then one) to live with. All people have been effected by this, Blacks, Whites and Hispanics and everyone in between, but what have they been doing to survive and how is the Government going to fix the dramatic increase? The New York Times also says that Government benefits like food stamps and tax credits, which can provide hundreds or even thousands of dollars in extra income, are not included in calculating whether a family’s income falls above or below the poverty line, but raises the cost in housing, medical care and energy without considering large regional differences of all of the raises in cost. To help this situation the Federal Government will issue an alternate calculations next year that will include important non cash and after-tax income and also account for regional differences in the cost of living.

To me this means that there are no jobs, not nearly as much housing or money to go around for all the people in the world. The Depression was long but America made sacrifices and got through it, but I'm not sure that with the way the world is today no one will work together to get out this poverty. Hopefully the Government comes up with ideas and works together if not everyone is going to be savages in the streets. RAWR.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Religion, Culture and Literature... One Big Happy Meal

Religion is when you believe in something higher than you, like god or a superbeing or something that is the cause of nature and the purpose of the universe.
Culture is the way you were raised and where, what you believe in, what you do and how you do it.
Literature is anything that is written down, or read, or some literature is even spoken.
How does Religion, Culture and Literature relate to everything and where did it all start?
In the beginning of time all Cultures like Egypt, Rome, Greece all had religious beliefs. They had a god or gods that they thought was higher then them to believe in, like a little kid believes in a superhero. They also had a way of communicating like writing and speaking with each other in their own way, this being their literature. In every culture how did all this writing and believing start? I think it all started just as an accident because no one knows who the first people were so you can't say that it was one Culture that started it all. The accident being that a group of people needed to communicate with each other to keep on living or else they wouldn't know what to do, with out the talking or maybe hand movements and mumbling life wouldn't of came this far. So after they discovered how to communicate, the group of people probably thought that there was something else out there making everything in the world happen, like natural disasters or just simple things like rain and wind. This could of been the basis of religion because they believed that something bigger was making all this happen, God or Gods. The praising for the gods all started because of something that the people needed like rain for their crops or for strength for their hunters or something like that, and with all this happening to this group they needed to write down what was going on in their lives. This is where I think the cave paintings and stuff like the hieroglyphics came in to tell stories about the lives of the people.
The literature told what happened to the group, like what they believed in and how their culture was thus making religion, culture, and literature all one in their own way.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Famous Haiku

A Haiku is a Japanese way to write poems. There's two ways to write these poems one way is three lines of 5,7,5 syllables. Or there's three lines of 17 syllables.
My Haiku is three lines of 17.

Green, Blue, Gray, Brown with White around see what happens in any weather.

Black or White and everything in between all dance their own salsa.

Add some color here and there, throw in a Cha Cha and live your life now.

Where The Heart Is

A young girl name Novalee Nation who has issues with sevens is now seventeen and seven months pregnant. Novalee and her boyfriend who is also the father of the child, Willy Jack are on there way to California so they can start a new life. Novalee's Future life consists of a beautiful house with a perfect family, but Willy Jacks future life consists of going to Cali to get a job at the railroad and cut off his finger so he can get a big check. On the way to California from Tennessee in a beat up car with no floor on the passengers side, no AC and Novalee being pregnant needed the bathroom 24/7 they finally stopped at a Wal-Mart, she went in to use the bathroom and buy new shoes and when she paid for her items her change was Seven dollars and seventy seven cents ($7.77) and suddenly she had a cold shiver down her spine and started to run out the door when she already knew Willy Jack was gone, he had left her.
A few months went by and she had been living in the Wal-Mart and she had met some new friends in the town, but one special night from coming back from a friends she had layed down and felt a sudden pain in her stomach and then it was time for the baby to come, but she was in shock and couldn't do much, when her friend came bursting through the door of the Wal-Mart to her aid. She woke in the hospital with her baby now born. The owner of Wal-Mart came to see her to offer her a job she accepted, she got tons of letters from people she didn't know with either money inside or gifts or even a few threats. After she got sent home her friend Sister Husband let her stay with her where eventually lived there for the next few years and even the rest of her life. The little girls name was Americus Nation and she even had issues with sevens. Seven months old she got stolen and left out in the cold, Seven years old her dad came back to see Novalee and her. In a tornado Sister Husband died and left the land and a big check to Novalee and Americus to rebuild the house and they did and lived there for the rest of their days.
As for Willy Jack he got sent to jail, and wrote a song while in there and got out and became famous then he got into drugs and lost his label and so after that he went crazy and fell in to a trains way and lost both of his legs. Some how he made it back to Oklahoma to see his daughter and Novalee but she got to him before he got to her and in the end made peace with eachother and took him back home.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Show and Tell

Show and Tell is a day where you take something you want to show to all your friends, this thing has to be really cool that everyone in class will say "wow I want that" or "thats so cool".  Show and Tell usually takes place when your in Elementry School or sometimes in Middle School. When were little we think everything is special and we want to show it all, but now that were older we actually know what we really think is special.

My something special is a silver ring with a red ruby at the top and words that are engraved around the ruby that say United States Army. The reason it's so special to me is because my dad gave it to me. I don't really look at it or tell anyone that I have it, its just a thing that I have and it's sort of special. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The New Year....

This is where it starts.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Sophomore Year...

       In the year of 2009-2010 was a year where I was going from Freshman to Sophomore and after this a Junior. This was a year where I thought to myself before it even started, that I have to become the person I need to be to make it to my future... and I did.

Coming in to the year I wasn't nervous or scared because at Atrisco the Sophomores ruled the school and I already had a year of high school under my belt. The first day was just a mess or should I say a stressful start. Everyone had to find their classes, everyone was excited to see each other again, the business academy building was to small to handle all 600 tenth graders and well what can I say, ever since ninth grade we were the class that had to try everything out before everyone else did so that also makes it hard on us being top dogs. After the morning of stress everyone settled in to their new homes for the next year. There are four different academy's, The Health, The Film, The Business and The Law academy, and each one of them has a set group of teachers. So when I walked into class I met my "Health" teachers. They were all pretty interesting and well some of them I already knew so that made me feel more at home. I had got all the classes I wanted which made me happy. Then the year began. After the first two weeks I already had problems, My Drama class only had seven people so they were canceling it so I had to switch to a different class so here I go Art. Then already kids just trying to take me down, but this always happens so walking around them here I go. The good thing about the start is I had people to back me up or be there for me so plus for me. I also had my favorite club starting again, Drama nerd baby!

       Half way through the year it was getting tired but that's when I finally started becoming my true self. I started to learn that school is one of my best friends for the rest of my life and that I had to kick it up a notch if I wanted to be the professional I wanted to be. The First semester was long because we hardly had any breaks which I was in desperate need for and I was kind of slacking on my grades, so overdrive here I come. During this semester I had a lot going on. I had a boy that I was starting to like and that was sort of distracting me at the time but I got over that. I also had a lot of stress at home being that my family had things coming up that I needed to be there for, and our for drama we were working on plays and getting ready to preform. I also just like any teen wanted to be hanging out with my friends and having fun not doing school work. The end of the semester was finally here it was going to be finally over because winter break was only a few days away, but before that I had to take my finals. I thought "Great finals I'm not good at taking tests I'm going to fail, but I didn't. Hallelujah! I passed here comes break". Then break was here I was relived of so much stress I slept in a bit had some fun with my friends and family, but the whole time I was thinking how I could improve for next semester and that I have goals, goals that I'm going to accomplish and that I need to work harder at.

      The new semester had started and still I was already going to have a lot going on through the rest of the semester. Like any day back during the year the teachers have no remorse for taking it easy on us when we come back so when we got there we already had homework. I also had this new teacher because my other teacher got fired or quit or something, no one really knows. This new teacher was called Mr. Leh? Weird name. The first thing I thought about him was crap I know I'm going to have trouble with this guy I can already tell. After awhile he was pretty cool, not to annoying but not to I don't Give a crap teacher. I also had Softball coming up that's a sport where you have to keep your grades up, no slacking at all! Softball also teaches you a lot, you have to work with people you don't like, do things you don't like, you have to be a whole new business type person. My classes and softball were going good I also had a boyfriend now so that was going good, friends doing good, life was good. This was the semester that was the most stressful because of all of these things. I had games that lasted till 7 or 8 at night, I had big projects that were due, I wanted to hang out and actually have a life, which I sometimes did. All I'm saying is it was hard. It is now the end of the semester and softball has ended and school is almost done. We have been preparing for finals the last two weeks and I'm worn out... it's time for it to end. 5/25/10 finals started, 5/26/10 half way through them, 5/27/10 last day of finals. 5/28/10 summer is starting with a good sleep in.

   This whole year was stressful, no lie. Freshman year I pretty much goofed off the whole time, Sophomore year I had to really buckle down and get my life started and decide what I'm going to do, how I'm going to do it, how I could improve, etc. Junior year I have to get ready for collage. This year I did something that will always remind me what I'm going to do, this year I beat my highest GPA. The highest I had was a 3.2GPA, I know have a 3.6GPA. I accomplished a lot of things that I'm proud about and I will never forget. I made softball catcher, broke my GPA record, I got good grades, I made it and I always will. So I ask myself if I've grown as a person, have I become a better person for me, and if I found who I truly am. Answer... YES.


Friday, May 21, 2010

The Life of a Champ!

Back off, I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong, we're headstrong

Back off, I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone

I want to do all the crazy stuff I can in my life. I want to have the best life with all the fun crazy things that go on in my mind now. I love to do fun stuff but when I'm older I'll be able to make more of an effort. Bungee Jumping you jump off a tall place with a stretchy string attached to your feet! Hip Hop dancing be a tough little Loco dancer and being a cool kid. Sky diving jumping off a plane and staying in air for a long time and finally pulling that string to deploy the parachute when your close to ground. If anything a stunt woman is what kind of "side job" I would want, stunt people do the craziest stuff. Crashing cars into buildings, blowing crap up, lighting yourself on fire! That would be the life to live. Boring people on the other hand have the same routine over and over and over and over again. They wake up, have coffee, get ready for work, go to work, work, come home from work, on the way home hit traffic hour, finally get home either make dinner or order something for dinner, eat, get ready for bed, go to bed and then... do it all over again. Those people when they were young or even know have dreams like me to be a big shot in some movie or be the worlds best something or another, have your name on billboards or jumping off a cliff for Pete's sake. During their lives yet rather boring life I bet thy think about doing crazy stuff saying that would be the life to life to live. Everything on my mind is crazy, a crazy way, a crazy life as "gangsters" say. That's how I am in my own little world of freedom and fun with a little bit of business and serious face, sometimes. Yes that would be the life to live.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wisdom of My Own

Life is like a really good salad. It has the lazy lettuce, the crazy carrots, the sour cucumbers, the soft tomatos and the hard crutons. They also have any extras like fatty bacon bits, some sweet fruit, or even the cheesest cheese, or an onion for a good cry. Life is purdy hard but it's good in the end. Don't forget the dressing.

Life has every kind of thing that could go on and a salad you can put preety much anything in there to make it how you want it to be just like your life. You can make it the most difficult salad or you can make it simple. Life is all up to you when you can make the right desicions. Make it the best salad or your choice. Life has to many ways to describe it so when you put everyones idea of life you get the exactly the same life. It has ways of showing you how it really is and I see it as many ways but I can also see it as a salad.

If I could be anyone I want I would be...

Idols are everything to a child when there young, idols are figures that adults somewhat want to be. To me idols are people who I want to be like, or have goals just like how they are right now. The person I would want to be like it Tomb Raider (aka) Laura Croft. A woman who has a big house with a awesome yard, all the cars she could ever wanted, friends that help her with all that she needs, and huge fortune left to her so she could do what she wanted. Most of all the adventures that she goes on to find out new thing no one could ever think about finding. She's a tough strong spirited person who knows what she wants done and she gets it done. A women of the world is how I want to be, because no a days women are taking over and thats the best part about me is i'm almost there. Im a woman with a strong head and I know what I want to do and my goal is to do it. The movies or people in them have idols too, so maybe thays why they set a example of being badasses for the rest of us.

Monday, May 17, 2010

One Little Thing and One Big Thing

The two bombs that started it all. Well it really started with a peace treaty between Japan and the U.S.A. Japan did not want to have one with the U.S so like the kind hearted people we are we decided to bomb them because if your not with us it's your fault. The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki never knew what hit them because nothing was left to remember. All people were burned alive, houses were crushed and the whole part of Japan was a waste land of black burnt everything. Thousands to millions of people were dead. The peace treaty of death should of been the name because after that they did agree to it. How many lives were lost that finally made them accept, it only took to bombs.

America a place of peace and trying to make the world right, but I guess everyone does make mistakes. We could never repay the lives lost of those two bombs but we did get what we wanted.

How could you of stabbed me in the back...

As I sit in my room and pray to god that he helps me tonight, I hear a knock on the door and I think to myself this is what I been waiting for. I get up, take my black duffel bag to the door and leave. This man who came, takes me to the roof and I get on a helicopter and fly away: destination London. I get on the roof and wait. It's 10pm and I finally see who needs to be dealt with and I get ready and... he's down, one clear shot to the head finishes anybody. So then I get up and leave back to my little apartment in Chicago to wait...
Its been ten days since that night in London and I finally get a letter in the mail that reads,

Dear Ms. Assassino
              Thank you for what you did, you really helped out with that guy who killed my daughter.
I am very greatful and I hope I will get to see you soon. :)
                                   Signed Mr. Padrino.

I sat and thought to myself why would he want to see me? So after awhile I just ignored it. I went down to the Macchia had a cold beer and felt someone staring at me? I then looked and saw this man sitting in the dark corner calling me over, I went. Before I could say a word he handed me a piece of paper that says meet me on the roof at 3am. That was in the morning, so until then I went home. 3am I started walking up to the roof... could it be a trap? I got there and found another note what is this a little kid games? "I hate those!" I YELLED. I read the stupid note and it said i'm here. Then out of the shadows a man appeared he came up behind me with a knife, he put it to my neck. He told me " how could you, how do you not know what you did!". I replyed with a "what the fuck are you talking about you manic!". He left and with his dissapearence left a gun I picked it up and was carefully looking at it, then it shot my right in the heart... I thought to myself I only have a few minutes to live and then the man came back and said "thanks you helped me kill the daughter and the father who were trying to bring me down". I then thought to myself Mr. Padrino is the one I killed not the guy he hired me to kill, he killed his daughter and he was trying to get to me? I then asked "why did you want me?" and before I finished he said because "your one of them, a long lost sister."

Great a family I always wanted and now their dead and i'm going to die, shit! My last living moment the man is still standing over me and says "Good-bye my darling daughter."
Now really shit!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner

Usually the Road Runner out smarts Wile E. Coyote.

Location: (The Desert)
                  Wile E. is sitting at his intellegent desk planning how to catch the Road Runner. He's writing on paper and throwing it away waiting for the perfect plan to show up. Then 30 minutes later the plan shows up.

Step one: Leave a pile of bird seed in the road.

Step two: Call Acme and get a rocket, a big bow and arrow and a anvil.

Step Three: Get ready with the anvil above the bird food, set up the bow and arrow and the big rocket and wait for the Road Runner to eat the bird food.

Step four: When he stops and eats the food light the rocket, let go of the bow string and drop the anvil!

(Running): After all that none of that still didn't catch him, so Wile E. Jumped off the cliff and landed on him.

And they are both struggling to get up! Then, Then the road runner just runs away. =D
Wile E. Coyote is just not good.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Brave and The Courageous

When your in a situation where your scared or don't know what to do, you must be strong and use the courage inside you to get through it. All in life you face situations like that, and you can get through them one way or another.
In my life I've had to deal with alot even though it doesnt seem like it, and I think one of the hardest things I've had to do is... grow up. With out parents helping you and doing preety much everything on your own, except the living and food etc. I guess I mean getting your life started with school and friends, keeping up your grades, not getting in trouble doing everything the right way. To get your life on track.
 Believe me that's not the hardest anyone goes through but everyone goes through it. Other situations are death, love, school, planning events, religion purposes and more. The one most known is death scrared to die so they cheat, but it's up to that person to decide.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Want To Travel... But In Time

When in time do I travel? Do I go forward or back? Do I fix what I've done or go see what I will do? Do I have to choose???

I would go back and forward. I would go back as far as I could to when Jesus was born to the Dinosuars and back to my time. Go in the future as far as I could to see what I'm going to do and what will happen to me and my life, it should be good.

I could see the good times and the bad but honestly I don't think I would want to see the past or future. The past should stay where it's at and the future should remain a mystery.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mi Familia: From the Start

My family is a big one on both sides. On my mom's side I don't really see and my dad's side is who pretty much raised me. My dad's side we are all Mexican, Hispanic, Chicano, Native Americans. My family started in Mexico and came over in the 1800's and are still here. I think what makes my family still connected to our ancestors is that we still act the same I mean it in our 'blood' and the way they acted was some were nice and some were mean some were fugitives and some worked hard and that's how my family is... that's how I am. No family just has one story to it... it's all connected by other family, friends, married in-ins, born ins, etc.

In those days, my family would do the same thing my family does now, just with out the all the technology... they still went fishing, hunting, working, having fun, playing with their kids, enjoying the family, and we still do it all.

"Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts (Unknown)."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Boy that saved the Starfish.

"Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?" The young man paused, looked up, and replied "Throwing starfish into the ocean." "I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" asked the somewhat startled wise man. To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die." Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, "But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!" At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, "I made a difference to that one!"

When this little boy threw this little starfish in the ocean, I think he knew what he was doing because without an instant he told the old man "I made a difference to that one." This old man was probably wise... Wise as can be but there is no such thing as someone learning to much, You never stop learning. It starts when your young and keeps going when your old. The man did not question but maybe the man learned a lesson.
"Following the wise...But they're walking in pampers."(Gorilla Zoe)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Schools these days... They need to change

Have you ever seen a school that looks good on the outside but just the people are horrible? Thats how some of the school all over the USA are, but some are ugly on the outside and look horrible but on the inside the student actually do learn something. What we need to do is not be the last place on the education level, we need to step it up. I think it's really pathetic that a student of a school thinks we should pick it up, because that means im not learning all that I can because the U.S. is to cheap to spend money on school when they would rather spend it on the war. This is a hard yet a sad subject to talk about because even the smartest people don't understand it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Great Debaters

The movie that had the blacks and whites working together, the movie that had the blacks rise to the occasion.
Samantha Booke (Jurnee Smollett) a young female leaves her family to go to Wiley College in Texas and finds herself joining the debate club to be the first girl. Samantha Booke joins her class mates Henry Lowe (Nate Parker), James Farmer Jr. (Denzel Whitaker), Hamilton Burgess (Jermaine Williams) and of course he debate teacher Melvin B. Tolson (Denzel Washington). As they go through go a undefeated season of debates the team not only goes through problems between themselves they also go through family and political issues. During the season Mr. Tolson had been sending letters to the most prestige white college; Havard University, saying they would like to debate, and Havard accepts their challenge. During the debate Samantha and James Jr. are scared and nervous but with all their hard work they win the trophy and earn a huge rep for their school. The now famous Whiley College.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Life has its ups and downs. When your up you feel like nothing is wrong and you feel like your on top of the world, you feel like you can never fall... until something in your life changes. Changes how you think, how you act, and how you feel about everything.
You live life to the fullest and have fun, just remember your life eventually will come to an end.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus

The Statue of Liberty I say is a waste of talent for the people who made it because what I think it means, which is we should all be united and work together but that not what most people think it's for. Some think its for power to the United States and for all those to bow down but I dont think that's what its for or labeled as.

As far as the statue of liberty dealing with immigration, really what does it have to do with it? It is a statue that can't talk or move or do anything about immigration.