Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are You A Ugly Green Monster?

Say you are one of those shy kids at school that isn't the best looking person in the world, or the most popular and you are so to say the "lonely nerd" or something like that. Anyway you go on through school all by yourself, you stay studing the books and trying to be the best. When your a kid like this you tend to pay a lot of attetion to your surroundings, you know just in case. Also you notice the people who you think are better then you. Like one day this guy/girl walks by and is the most popular kid, has everything you could want and is extreamly good looking. I mean what else can you do then just think to yourself I wish I was like that kid. I want what they have, the "good genes". You want what they have so much you turn in to this green monster who kills everyone in its path. You take everything that they have now, you look good and smell the best, everyone calls you sexy and God Damn it you are the best now. Then you go home and think I look so damn good I want to see myself in the mirror so walk past your family at home with a gangster lean and nobody seems to notice the difference about you... why you think to yourself? You finally get to the mirror, look up and see the ugliest reflection of a big green monster who has boogers coming from your nose, ripped clothes and just a horrible apperance. Then you close your eyes and deperatly wish you were your old self, you open your eyes and see the real you. You realize I am good looking, I have all the stuff I could have and I am the best.When this kid was shy and thought they didn't have nothing good in their life and finally got tired of it, turned into the ugliest thing worse then before. When an ugly green monster you still don't want to be ugly and find out the the real you was good looking.