Thursday, October 28, 2010

That Shit Was Fake!?

There once was a beautiful young girl in the wrong classification. She should be rich and famous but instead is in rags a lot less then riches. One day she got her chance to go to a fancy party but didn't have enough money for things to make her look pretty. She cried and cried, she practically died. Finally her husband gave her money for a beautiful dress, but still she was sad...why? No jewels to make her shine. She asked her sweet neighbor who lent her a diamond necklace. The night of the dance she look prettier then ever, she danced here and there and all around. The end of the night was one of those nights that go crumbling down and she relized the diamond was gone. She and her husband searched for days but found nothing and were in a horrible daze. They had to make serious deals and barrow money and did to buy a diamond just as pretty. They gave the lady the necklace back and spent the rest of their lives paying the money back. Then the girl who was once beautiful ran into her old neighbor and told her the story of the necklace she once gave her. The neighbor replied "My dear that necklace was only costume jewlary".
How could the necklace be fake? It was so beautiful, it shined in the light like a smaller little sun. I looked just like it would be suited for exactly what she should be royalty. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by the cover. Yes the nice things are good but the fake are just the same. It doesn't matter what you look like everyone looks good in their own way.