Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bullying or Bullied?

Bullying happens all over the world in one way or another. It's like a pandemic once someone does something to someone that is really severe, everyone finds out about it or someone does something similar. I also think its some thing that can be controlled but can't at the same time. It's hard to explain on how bullying is and how it can be stopped. Bullying can be a series of things, like pushing, getting into fights, torturing, or more serious things that could lead to scars physically and emotionally or maybe even death.
When I was little I was bullied but it wasn't a crazy serious problem that I couldn't handle by myself. Yes when I was little I was a little chubby just like some kids but I still once in a while got teased like your chunky or something small like that. This wasn't to bad but when I got older I had not only been bullied but I started to bully. One time me and my friends bullied some one to the point of tears, beatings. Every day he walked into class I would punch him, deliberately beat his ass for no reason other then he seriously bugged everyone in school (NO LIE). One time I set up a plan so that a group of people would kick his ass. One day we had a sub and it was almost time to leave, I would have the group stand around him and I would run and shut the lights off and then they would beat him up. It worked out perfectly and as soon as the sub turned on the lights and the bell rang and everyone left not knowing who did it. After that our teacher shunned us for the next month and the kid moved to a different team so he had nothing to do with us ever again.
Bullying and being bullied are two different things and maybe one thing leads to another but I think all people do it but sometimes they don't think they are or sometimes they do it all depends.