In the year of 2009-2010 was a year where I was going from Freshman to Sophomore and after this a Junior. This was a year where I thought to myself before it even started, that I have to become the person I need to be to make it to my future... and I did.
Coming in to the year I wasn't nervous or scared because at Atrisco the Sophomores ruled the school and I already had a year of high school under my belt. The first day was just a mess or should I say a stressful start. Everyone had to find their classes, everyone was excited to see each other again, the business academy building was to small to handle all 600 tenth graders and well what can I say, ever since ninth grade we were the class that had to try everything out before everyone else did so that also makes it hard on us being top dogs. After the morning of stress everyone settled in to their new homes for the next year. There are four different academy's, The Health, The Film, The Business and The Law academy, and each one of them has a set group of teachers. So when I walked into class I met my "Health" teachers. They were all pretty interesting and well some of them I already knew so that made me feel more at home. I had got all the classes I wanted which made me happy. Then the year began. After the first two weeks I already had problems, My Drama class only had seven people so they were canceling it so I had to switch to a different class so here I go Art. Then already kids just trying to take me down, but this always happens so walking around them here I go. The good thing about the start is I had people to back me up or be there for me so plus for me. I also had my favorite club starting again, Drama nerd baby!
Half way through the year it was getting tired but that's when I finally started becoming my true self. I started to learn that school is one of my best friends for the rest of my life and that I had to kick it up a notch if I wanted to be the professional I wanted to be. The First semester was long because we hardly had any breaks which I was in desperate need for and I was kind of slacking on my grades, so overdrive here I come. During this semester I had a lot going on. I had a boy that I was starting to like and that was sort of distracting me at the time but I got over that. I also had a lot of stress at home being that my family had things coming up that I needed to be there for, and our for drama we were working on plays and getting ready to preform. I also just like any teen wanted to be hanging out with my friends and having fun not doing school work. The end of the semester was finally here it was going to be finally over because winter break was only a few days away, but before that I had to take my finals. I thought "Great finals I'm not good at taking tests I'm going to fail, but I didn't. Hallelujah! I passed here comes break". Then break was here I was relived of so much stress I slept in a bit had some fun with my friends and family, but the whole time I was thinking how I could improve for next semester and that I have goals, goals that I'm going to accomplish and that I need to work harder at.
The new semester had started and still I was already going to have a lot going on through the rest of the semester. Like any day back during the year the teachers have no remorse for taking it easy on us when we come back so when we got there we already had homework. I also had this new teacher because my other teacher got fired or quit or something, no one really knows. This new teacher was called Mr. Leh? Weird name. The first thing I thought about him was crap I know I'm going to have trouble with this guy I can already tell. After awhile he was pretty cool, not to annoying but not to I don't Give a crap teacher. I also had Softball coming up that's a sport where you have to keep your grades up, no slacking at all! Softball also teaches you a lot, you have to work with people you don't like, do things you don't like, you have to be a whole new business type person. My classes and softball were going good I also had a boyfriend now so that was going good, friends doing good, life was good. This was the semester that was the most stressful because of all of these things. I had games that lasted till 7 or 8 at night, I had big projects that were due, I wanted to hang out and actually have a life, which I sometimes did. All I'm saying is it was hard. It is now the end of the semester and softball has ended and school is almost done. We have been preparing for finals the last two weeks and I'm worn out... it's time for it to end. 5/25/10 finals started, 5/26/10 half way through them, 5/27/10 last day of finals. 5/28/10 summer is starting with a good sleep in.
This whole year was stressful, no lie. Freshman year I pretty much goofed off the whole time, Sophomore year I had to really buckle down and get my life started and decide what I'm going to do, how I'm going to do it, how I could improve, etc. Junior year I have to get ready for collage. This year I did something that will always remind me what I'm going to do, this year I beat my highest GPA. The highest I had was a 3.2GPA, I know have a 3.6GPA. I accomplished a lot of things that I'm proud about and I will never forget. I made softball catcher, broke my GPA record, I got good grades, I made it and I always will. So I ask myself if I've grown as a person, have I become a better person for me, and if I found who I truly am. Answer... YES.